Social Informatics


Social Informatics is a relatively new term that can serve as a banner for those who are interested in contributing to these studies. The name “Social Informatics” can also serve as a pointer, by which we can help lead others to appropriate theories, key ideas, studies, findings, books, articles, courses of study, etc. Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics



SI studies and SI courses are organized within diverse fields, including information systems, anthropology, computer science, communications, sociology, library and information science, political science and science and technology studies (STS). SI provides a common meeting ground for isolated and scattered scholars to locate each other as well as relevant academic programs and courses.





Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI

Name after the late Rob Kling, RKCSI was established at Indiana University Bloomington to provide a central home for the emerging field of social informatics. You'll find links to papers, conferences, and information about social informatics researchers on this site.