Poster ideas


Lynn Boyden's Suggestions:

"My only comment would be this: how is it relevant to this audience? See what you can do to make it relate clearly to some aspect of information architecture, whether through discussion of your process (which was an IA initiative, since you designed the wiki and the content and did some user testing, etc.) or through discussion of the purpose, use, and manifestation of the information.



What Makes a Good Poster (From Information Architecture Summit 2002)


Poster Presentation:



The most successful posters display a succinct statement of major conclusions at the beginning, followed by supporting text in later segments, and a brief summary at the end.


Wikimania 2006


Ideas for posters:

Examples from Wikimania 2006:

Poster #1

Poster #2



Examples From IA Summit:

Poster #1

Poster #2

Poster #3

Poster #4



Interesting visuals:

Architectual Model