
Knowledge Management

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago




Knowledge management is not a technology, but a concept, a way of doing business. It revolve around four processes (seen here). All can be achieved through automation, through human intervention, or, most commonly, both.


  • Gathering is the bringing in of information and data into the system.
  • Organizing is the process of associating items to subjects, giving them context, making them easier to find.
  • Refining is the process of adding value by discovering relationships, abstracting, synthesis, and sharing.
  • Disseminating is getting knowledge to the people who can use it.


Each of these processes is supported by products, which in turn are supported by technologies. For an organization to achieve knowledge management, it will need manual actions or products to support each of the four processes. Because no product is a complete knowledge management-support solution, almost all organizations will need to anneal multiple products and redesign processes. (Jeff Angus and Jeetu Patel, Information Week)




Kent State University

MS in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management.





This non-profit organization serves the KM community through the support and development of KM best practices and the advancement of KM research and development.




Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management

This journal publishes covers topics relevant to the study, implementation, and management of knowledge management. It features academic papers, topical articles, and case studies that contribute to the area of research in, and practice, of KM.


Information, Knowledge, Systems, Management

IKSMOnline provides best practices related to information management, knowledge management, and systems management. Content aims to provide reports, reviews, compilations, and pointers to the best thinking, writing, practices, methods, and tools available.


Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management

IJIKM is an interdisciplinary forum that publishes articles on theory, practice, innovation, cases, and research covering the use of information and technology. Articles address business intelligence, communities of practice, innovation, intellectual capital, knowledge Management Systems/Tools, learning organization, and organizational learning.


Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects

IJKLO publishes articles on theory, practice, innovation, and research that cover all aspects of Knowledge and Learning Objects.


International Journal of Information Management

IJIM is an international, peer-reviewed journal, which aims to provide analysis and discussion in the developing field of information management. Topics include aspects of information management in learning organizations, health care (patients as well health workers and managers), business intelligence, security in organizations, social interactions and community development, knowledge management, information design and delivery, information for health care, information for knowledge creation, legal and regulatory issues, IS-enabled innovations in information, content and knowledge management, philosophical and methodological approaches to information management research, new and emerging agendas for information research and reflective accounts of professional practice.


International Journal of Knowledge Management

IJKM covers all aspects of the knowledge management discipline, from organizational issues to technology support to knowledge representation. It provides a forum for global aspects of knowledge management and for differing cultural perspectives on the use of knowledge and knowledge management. It also focuses on cultural and organizational issues as well as technical issues associated with the creation and implementation of knowledge management systems.


Journal of Knowledge Management

JKM is a quarterly publication dedicated to the exchange of the latest research and practical information on all aspects of managing knowledge in organizations. The journal publishes original research and case studies by academic, business and government contributors on strategies, tools, techniques, and technologies for KM.


Journal of Knowledge Management Practice

The Journal of Knowledge Management Practice (formerly the Journal of Systemic Knowledge Management under a different publisher) is devoted to provided research about knowledge management and its practical applications.


KM Monthly

From 1998 through 2001 Knowledge Management magazine covered the business of managing knowledge. The magazine changed to electronic format at the end of 2001, but the full text archives of each monthly edition are still available on this site with more than one thousand articles in all. KM Monthly also serves as a portal for Knowledge Management content.


Knowledge and Process Management

Knowledge and Process Management aims to provide information to executives responsible for driving performance improvement in their business or for introducing new ideas to business through thought leadership. The journal also publishes research papers containing new thinking from leading business schools as well as practical principles drawn from cross-company surveys.


Knowledge Management for Development Journal (KM4D)

The KM4D Journal is produced by the KM4Dev-community and appears three times a year: May, September and December. It includes theoretical and practice-based articles and papers presented at conferences.


Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP)

KMRP publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of managing knowledge, organizational learning, intellectual capital, and knowledge economics. This includes not just those focused on the organizational level, but all levels from that of the individual to that of the nation or profession. The journal includes both theoretical and practical aspects, and especially the relationship between the two. There is a particular emphasis on cross-disciplinary approaches, and on the mixing of "hard" (e.g. technological) and "soft" (e.g. cultural or motivational) issues.


VINE: The Journal of Knowledge and Information Management Systems

VINE helps information professionals to keep up-to-date with developments in the field, without having to wade through lengthy, jargon-filled articles.



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