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last edited
by PBworks17 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to the UCLA Informatics Wiki!
The era of blogs and wikis is upon us... Blogs, wikis, and other forms of online social networking act as valuable information channels as well as virtual "places" to interact with like-minded individuals. And though we live in an age of information abundance, even we, as information professionals, struggle to define "informatics". What better communication forum than a wiki to engage in the debate surrounding a definition of our own community? So if you find yourself either asking or answering the question "What exactly is informatics?" you've come to the right place!
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This wiki is a community of practice. We welcome your thoughts and opinions. We invite you to help grow our resources by contributing content highlighting informatics programs, classes, journals, professional organiztions, conferences, jobs, and scholars. Help us define informatics by adding to any page.
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Have fun!
General Disclaimer: the ideas and opinions expressed on this wiki are those of collaborating graduate students involved in the project. Though generally supported by the Information Studies department at UCLA, this wiki is not meant to represent the UCLA Information Studies faculty or administration in any offical manner.
Comments (3)
Anonymous said
at 1:03 pm on Jun 30, 2006
just testing the comments. does anyone like this wiki so far?
mescamilla@... said
at 3:46 pm on Jul 6, 2006
I love this wiki so far!!!!!
Anonymous said
at 3:51 pm on Jul 16, 2006
I love this wiki so far also!
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