
About UCLA Informatics Wiki

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

About UCLA Informatics Wiki


Internal Mission Statement


Our mission is to build, promote, and maintain a wiki as a resource of information about Informatics. We want to build a community of informatics professionals to actively contribute information. We also want it to faciliate active participation from our members.


External Mission Statement


The purpose of this Informatics wiki is to be a resource/communication tool for students and professionals in the field of Informatics. The focus is to both provide and contribute resources and knowledge related to informatics.


Food For Thought

Technology is merely a tool that can be used as part of a complex solution involving community, cultural, and socio-economic issues (Warschauer, 2003). Failures occur when people try to address these complex issues with a narrow focus on technology provision. For example, wikis are powerful tools enabling communal expression, but how does one “market” a wiki so that it remains viable within an environment of information overload?


Aigrain (2003) states that the success of information communities depends on individuals playing specific roles. Examples of these roles include “referrer,” “problem solver,” “communicator,” “moderator,” etc. It is highly important to understand and continue to evaluate these roles in order to ensure that social-networking mediums are all-inclusive and effective. Without conscientious and culturally-sensitive exploration of the implications of wikis, their benefits may be lost.



Informatics Wiki Project

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